Privacy policy


Privacy Policy of the eVotUM Electronic Voting System


Version: 1.0

Date: 26th of January, 2017


All the voting processes supported by the eVotUM electronic voting system are governed by the respective electoral rules, subject to the provisions of Law no. 67/98 of the 26th of October - Personal Data Protection Law (that transposed into Portuguese law the Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of the 24th of October 1995, on the protection of individuals regarding the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data). University of Minho is attentive to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of the 27th of April 2016, repealing that Directive, and whose time limit for the entry into force was set for the 25th of May 2018.

University of Minho ensures that the computer system and software used for the electronic voting in the eVotUM electronic voting system, are properly ring-fenced, reliable, auditable and transparent, guaranteeing the uniqueness and universality of the votes, as well as their confidentiality, integrity and anonymity, ensuring the authenticity of the voter.

Information Gathered

The electronic voting system uses the information provided by the user when requesting credentials for accessing the electronic services and systems of the University of Minho and collects two types of information: information voluntarily supplied by the user (alternative e-mail address and mobile phone number), and information collected automatically by the portal through the use of cookies.

The data provided voluntarily by the users is used solely and exclusively to provide information in the context of electronic voting. We should note, however, that making this data available by the users is not indispensable for them to use the eVotUM electronic voting system, namely, so they can exercise their right to vote.

The collection and processing of such data has been the object of communication to the National Data Protection Commission (CNPD -, having been authorised by this organisation. The following information was provided in the communication to the CNPD:

In addition, the proper security policies and mechanisms will be taken into account, at the level of the network and operating system, to ensure state of the art safety standards.

Cookies policy

Cookies are small files, with alphanumeric information, stored in the hard disk of the user’s computer by the user’s browser while he browses the Internet. Cookies are required for the eVotUM electronic voting system to distinguish each user and to maintain the state during web browsing.

University of Minho uses cookies to improve the performance and browsing experience of the user. Any browser allows the user to accept, refuse or delete cookies in the settings of the browser itself. If a user chooses to disable cookies, some features of the eVotUM system may no longer function, thus affecting his voting experience or navigation on the eVotUM electronic voting system.

Session cookies are used in the eVotUM electronic voting system portal, which make it possible to record user preferences, such as the language in which the website should be presented, as well as to keep the authenticated users logged in. This type of cookies is automatically deleted when the browser is closed. Persistent cookies, however, (which are not used by the eVotUM electronic voting system), make it possible to store necessary information between sessions, for example, to indicate that the user is aware of the cookie policy. This type of cookies (persistent) remains on the computer until the expiration date or until they are deleted by the user.

Final Considerations

University of Minho reserves the right to amend the rules described in this policy and we encourage you to check this document regularly.

University of Minho is not responsible for the improper use of the information contained in this website.